To meet the demands of the market, our factory produces readily marketaBle goods. Business talks are welcome. 本厂根据市场需要,生产适销对路的产品,欢迎各地客商来厂洽谈。
Please let me have a marketable lot in exchange for them. An exporter cannot receive payment until the goods on consignment have been sold sometime in the future. 请允许我们收到能出售的货物并将原货寄回。等到将来寄售(托销)的货物售出之后,出口商才能收回货款。
Because of both the urgent need of the development of normal-incidence X-ray optics and the considerable achievements in the techniques of ultra-fine polishing and ultrathin multilayer fabricating, optical coatings for soft X-ray region have made rapid progress and matured into marketable goods. 由于正入射X光光学发展的迫切需要及超精细抛光与超薄多层膜制备技术的成就,适用于软X射线波段的光学薄膜已获得飞速发展并趋于成熟、走向市场。